Panchakarma Therapy


Panchakarma Treatment is a cleansing and purifying therapy to enhance the metabolic process. Panchakarma is a detoxifying, powerful and nurturing method, that provides clarity to the mind, restores constitutional balance thereby improving health and wellness.

Panchakarma Treatment includes five important therapeutic procedures namely Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya and Raktamokshana, known collectively as Pradhanakarma. These treatments should be preceded by certain preparatory procedure (Poorvakarma).



  • Snehanapana (Oral intake of ghee)
  • Abhyanga (Massage with oils)
  • Kayaseka (Pouring of medicaments over the body including Pizichil)
  • Shirodhara (Pouring of medicaments over the head)
  • Kati/Greevabasti/ Uro basti, Udara basti, Janu basti (Retention of oil on the lower back/ neck/ chest/ abdomen/ knees)
  • Pichu (Oil packs)


  • Patrapindasweda (Sudation with fresh, medicinal herbs, etc.)
  • Churnapindasweda (Sudation with medicated powder)
  • Shashtikashalipindasweda/ navarakizhi (Sudation with special rice cooked in organic milk)
  • Avagahasweda (Tub bath with decoction of herbs)
  • Bashpasweda (Steam bath)


  • Vamana (Therapeutic emesis)
  • Virechana (Therapeutic purgation)
  • Basti (Medicated enema)
  • Nasya (Nasal instillation of medicines)
  • Raktamoskshana (Leech therapy)


  • Udvartana (Powder massages)

Poorvakarma (Preparatory procedure):
Deepana & Pachana: It is aimed at preparing the digestive system for consumption of the sneha.
Snehana: Administration of oily substances (Medicated oil or ghee) either externally or internally or both. External techniques include Abhyanga (oil massage), Pizhichil/sarvangadhara, Shirodhara, Nasya (Instillation of medicated oil drops in the nose), Karnapoorana (instillation of medicated oil in the ears) etc. Internal medication includes oil or ghee given orally in an increasing dose. It is also known as Snehapana.
Swedana: A method of inducing sweating in the body by various means of heat application. For example: Application of warm poultice on the body or sitting in a chamber with warm vapours.

Pradhanakarma (main procedure): These serve as a detox of the whole system.

Vamana: Therapeutically inducing emesis / vomiting through the oral route.
Virechana: Therapeutically inducing purgation / loose bowels.
Basti: Therapeutic administration of medicated oil / decoction as enema through the rectal route.

Nasya: Administration of medicated oil or liquid through the nose.
Raktamokshana: A procedure of controlled bloodletting either by venipuncture or by application of leech.

Special treatments other than Panchakarma:
Shirodhara: Continuous pouring of thin stream of suitable medicated oil / liquids over entire forehead in supine posture of patient for a stipulated period. Highly effective in headache, insomnia, neurological and mental disorders.
Shirovasti: A method where a suitable medicated oil is made to retain over the scalp of patient, by tying leather bag around head for stipulated time. Advised in conditions like insomnia, headache.
Shirolepa (Thalapothichil): A warm paste of suitable medicines is applied over the head and covered with plantain leaf for specific time. Used frequently in neurological disorders.
Pichu: Applying warm medicated oil soaked in a cotton gauze over the particular part of the body for a stipulated time period. It helps in treating sprains, aches and pains.
Thalam: Applying warm herbal preparations on the vertex of the head.
Takradhara– Continuous pouring of medicated buttermilk over the forehead in supine posture. It’s used in hypertension, headaches. In skin disorders this is done whole body also.

Eye treatments like:
Netra tarpana: Suitable medicated ghee is retained over the eye for a certain period by means of a well like structure prepared around the eyes with the help of black gram paste. Beneficial in treating various eye diseases.
Anjana: Application of suitable herbal (collyrium) preparation on the margins of eyelids.
Aschyothana: The procedure wherein medicated drops are instilled into the open eyes from a height of two inches in prescribed format is called as Aschyothana.
Netraseka: A procedure where medicated liquids are instilled in the partially open eyes from a height of 4 Inches in a thin and continuous stream for prescribed time.
Vidalaka: Application of soft paste of different drugs only over the eyelids (leaving the eye lashes).
NetraPindi: Massage using a special type of rice that is cooked and dipped in warm herbal milk, then skillfully massaged over closed eyes.
Karnapoorana: Instilling lukewarm medicated oil to the ears to relieve ear problems.
Karnadhoopana: Fumigation of ears with certain dry herbal preparations. Effective in ear pain and discharge from ears.
Gandoosha: Filling of medicated oil/ liquids in the mouth and retaining it for few minutes.
Kavala: Gargling with suitable warm oil/ decoctions, which cleanses and strengthens the gums, teeth, tongue.
ElaKizhi: Patra Pinda Sweda (PPS) This is a therapy wherein fomentation is given using a poultice prepared from fresh medicinal leaves and medicated oils. Used in musculoskeletal conditions.

PodiKizhi: Choorna Pinda Sweda (CPS) A suitable combination of medicinal powders / choornas are heated & tied in cloth bags in the form of poultice and fomentation is given to the affected area. Useful in pain management.

Udwartana: It is a powder massage wherein dry herbal powders are rubbed all over the body to tone the skin and reduce excess cellulite deposition. Useful in weight reduction.
Abhyanga: A full body massage given with herbal oils customized to your body type to nourish and revitalize the body’s tissues (Dhatus). It is a very good body relaxation and rejuvenator.
Pizhichil/Sarvanga Tailadhara: Medicated oil/medicated liquid is poured on the body in a continuous stream along with gentle massage. It helps in toning, strengthening and rejuvenating the whole body.
NavaraKizhi/Shashtikasali Pinda Sweda (SSPS): Massage using a special type of rice that is cooked and dipped in warm herbal milk, then skilfully massaged simultaneously all over the body.
DhanyamlaDhara: Pouring of thin stream of warm sour medicinal liquid on the body continuously for prescribed duration.
Avagaha: Type of fomentation wherein required part of body is immersed in warm medicated dicoction. Helpful in piles, fissures, body spasms, skin diseases, etc.
Upanaha: Applying of medicinal paste on the painful joints and bandaging it for stipulated duration to reduce swelling and pain.
Padatala Avagaha: Pouring of warm medicated oil/ preparation on the foot for a stipulated period.
Greeva Basti: A process wherein suitable medicated oil is retained on the affected part of neck by means of a structure prepared with the help of black gram paste. Beneficial in treating cervical diseases.
Kati Vasti: A procedure wherein suitable medicated oil is made to retain at the affected part of lower back by means of a structure prepared with the help of black gram paste. Beneficial in treating lumbosacral conditions.
Urovasti: A procedure wherein suitable medicated oil is made to retain on the chest by means of a structure prepared with the help of black gram paste. Advised in diseases of the chest.
Januvasti: A procedure wherein suitable medicated oil is made to retain on the knees by means of a structure prepared with the help of black gram paste. Beneficial in treating osteoarthritis and degenerative diseases.
Dhoopana: Fumigation of certain parts of the body using suitable dry herbs.
Ksheeradhooma: Face steam using medicated herbal milk preparation. Indicated in facial palsy and other numerological conditions.
Diabetic massage: Special massage from head to toe manage diabetic neuropathy.
Marma massage: Special massage by specifically trained therapists focusing on marma (vital) points in the body. Effective in treating neurological conditions.

Beauty care packages:
Tan care: Special combination of fresh medicated herbal paste, scrubbed and applied over the tanned skin to revive its original skin texture and color.
Fruit Facial: Includes face massage and face pack done with special combination of fresh fruits which helps revitalize the skin making it soft and supple.
Mukhalepa: Masking the face with suitable medicated paste for specific time to improve the lustre of skin.
PadaTala Tarpanam: Includes foot/ foreleg massage, foot immersions in herbal decoction, scrubbing, cleaning foot packs done with special combination of herbs which helps revitalize the foot making it soft and supple.
HastaTala Tarpanam: Includes palm/ forehand massage, immersions, scrubbing, cleansing and packs done with special combination of herbs which helps revitalize the hand making it soft and supple.


Ramaiah Ayurveda for the world

For PANCHAKARMA appointments

+91 99723 13129