Ayurveda is not merely a disease management system. It is a holistic philosophy, a way of life that offers longevity and wellness by maintaining the dynamic equilibrium between the mind and body. That’s how we practice Ayurveda at the Ramaiah Indic Specialty Ayurveda Restoration Hospital. Ayurveda continues to grow rapidly as one of the most important systems of mind-body medicine and a natural healer as spiritual approach to life becomes ever more important in this ecological age. ‘Journey of Ayurveda’ travels in time from its origins in India to its progress into the 21st century, where Ayurvedic medicine is gaining international interest and respect as an alternative means of caring for physical and mental health. Ayurveda not only treats the diseases but also gives views regarding promotion, prolongation and maintenance of a happy and healthy life.
Ayurveda has equated the human body with a building. Pillars are required to make the building stable. Similarly, the need for three pillars (Sthambha) and three supporting pillars (Upastambha) have been emphasized for the human body. The three pillars are the three doshas; Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The three supporting pillars are ahara (diet), nidra (sleep) and brahmacharya (celibacy). According to Charaka Samhitha, a person who observed these upastambhas properly will be endowed with strength, complexion, longevity and health.
Like everything designed by nature, the human body is an architectural marvel. In its pristine state, it is capable of dealing with the ups and downs of life. At every point in time, it maintains a dynamic equilibrium within itself and with its external realities.
The trouble begins when we distort our habits and thoughts and indulge in an unwholesome diet and lifestyle. We clutter our minds with thoughts that create disharmony. Over a period of time, our bodies and minds become pale shadows of their vibrant selves.