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One of the challenges before modern medical science is to get the human body to absorb nutrients so that the tissues are regenerated. After middle age the rate of degeneration is quicker than regeneration. Supplements or iron, calcium and vitamin B are n`t absorbed either.

Ayurveda offers an answer in Rasayana. The agni in the body facilitates assimilation through 13 metabolic fires. These are present in all tissues and digestive centers, are semi- liquid in consistency and are part of the bodily fluids within the endocrine and exocrine systems. The most important of these digestive juices are in the gastro-intestinal tract, starting from saliva in the mouth to the gut microbe’s interaction in the large intestine.

Ayurveda explains that the body needs to go through a process of cleansing to absorb nutrients. Ayurveda draws a parallel with fabric dyeing. For dyeing a cloth, it has to be first washed by appropriate methods to remove dirt from the weave of the fabric so that fresh colors can adhere fast.

Sroto- sodhana- cleaning of the micro channels- is the first stage in Rasayana- chikitsa or nutritional therapy. Through this process all the 13 agnis get revitalized so that the chemical chain mechanism of the body`s absorption from gut through tissues takes place effectively. Rasayana- chikitsa follows such Sroto- sodhana, and the body is now receptive to the desired effects, treatment becomes fruitful and effective.

Describing the effects of Rasayana, the classical texts of Ayurveda  say that from Rasayana one attains longevity, improved memory and intelligence, freedom from disorders, youthful vigor, excellence of complexion, pleasantness in voice, optimum strength of physique and senses, command over language, respectability and brilliance.

Broadly Rasayana is of two types, – Vatatapika and Kutipraveshika. The first is more common because it is easy to administer. The second is much more rigorous and remains a textual marvel.

Rasayana therapy is useful in particularly treating the aged. It is good for functional and degenerative disorders that are a chronic nature.


The lovely lemon has extraordinary cleansing, detoxing and refreshing qualities. It is loaded with vitamins especially Vitamin A and Vitamin C. This little power house also used to make many herbal and mineral preparations.

The lemon tree needs sunshine, water, and preferably organic compost to grow. Plant it along the side of your garden since it is a bushy tree.

The lemon plant can be propagated by the air layering technique or through the seeds. In the air layering the mother plant is selected and the outer cover of a matured plant is peeled an inch or two with a sharp knife to expose the inner heart wood. A commercially available rooting hormone is applied to the exposed area. Once it is rooted it is sliced off the mother plant and planted in the soil.

In the seed route method, the seeds are collected from a mature fruit and washed thoroughly with the water to remove the oil coating on them. Bold seeds are then selected for sowing in the nursery mother bed. Water is sprayed twice a day in morning and evening for first two weeks. After that the plant required water once a day. The sprouting of the seed takes place within two to four weeks. The germinated seedlings are transferred to poly pots and taken to the shade house where they are then planted in the garden.


Refreshing lemonade: mix lemon juice with water, honey or sugar for a cooling drink.

Jambira panaka : mix two parts of fresh lemon juice and one part of fresh ginger juice and one part of sugar and make a syrup. Allow to cool. Take 5-10 ml of this mixture with water 30minutes before food twice or thrice a day. This drink is an effective remedy for indigestion and heartburn. It also improves the perception of taste in anorexia.

Lemon juice mixed with water, sugar and coconut grating strengthens the body and is an aphrodisiac. Lemon juice combine with honey mixed in warm water helps one sleep well if taken at bedtime.


IF you are thin and want to gain weight here’s how:

  • Have regular meals at least three times a day. Do not skip breakfast.
  • Eat foods which is rich in protein and vitamins, for instance moong dal cooked with ghee and a little pepper.
  • Avoid junk foods that are dry, fried and spicy.
  • Exercise regularly. Yoga and pranayama help body and mind to be harmony and improves mental health.
  • Eat ghee, butter, milk, cheese and curd in adequate quantities, but correct your metabolism before you consume such foods.
  • Banana, musk melon, and dry fruits help weight gain. Eat 30gms of raisins daily.
  • Herbs like Ashwagandha ( Withania somnifers), amalaki (Emblica officianalis) boost immunity.
  • Chyavanaprasham is an excellent herbal tonic. A warm oil massage daily with dhanvantara tailam or balashwagandha tailam tones muscles and improves blood circulation.
  • Sleep for 30 minutes after lunch every day.
  • Drink water in adequate quantity.
  • If you are suffering from worms or metabolic disorders seek medical advice.

