Abhyanga Massage Packages at Ramaiah Ayurveda!
Ayurveda is practised across India and abroad with the common aim of providing a holistic healthcare care system by suggesting ways to attain equilibrium between the body, mind and soul. Panchakarma is practised by many of the Ayurveda physicians and related treatment procedures form an integral part of the treatment program. Abhyanga is one of the most integral components of Panchakarma. Abhyanga involves massaging the entire body with warm oils by applying specific strokes. The oil is the central component of this practice. When combined with massage strokes, it’s thought to promote overall health and wellness. Most of the times the oils used are medicated with different medicinal herbs depending upon the body and disease condition.
Abhyanga is typically performed by qualified & certified therapists. Abhyanga is known to reduce stress levels, increase energy & physical strength for even healthy individuals. For any disease condition, the oil and the massage type depends on the Prakriti/body constitution and the dosha/ imbalance. Desired results can be achieved with regular procedures.
We customize Abhyanga packages to suit every individual needs & requirement.
Abhyanga & Kumkumadi Facial worth 3000 INR@ 2250 only
Offer period Dec 1st to Dec 31st Decmeber 2022
New BEL Road, M S Ramaiah Nagar, MSRIT Post, Mathikere, Bengaluru-560054. Land line : 080-22183456
Tel : 08022183456 / 6364131357
info@ramaiahayurveda.com | www.ramaiahayurveda.com