Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, is well-known for its holistic approach to health and wellness. It believes in maintaining physical, mental, and emotional well-being through the balance of three doshas: vata, pitta, and kapha.

Also known as Urdhvanga Chikitsa in southern India, the Shalakya Tantra is a collection of treatments for the eyes, ears, nose, throat, mouth, teeth, and skin. This branch combines natural remedies with other techniques to revive health and harmony in this most important part of the body.

Techniques used in Shalakya Tantra

Shalakyatantra is divided into many treatments used for the treatment of various conditions in the head and neck region as follows:

  • Agnikarma: Useful for eye diseases and headaches.
  • Ksharakarma: It is used in nasal polyps and tonsillitis.
  • Netra Kriyakalpas: Special treatments for the eyes.
  • Nasya: Medicated oil treatment of the nose.
  • Shirodhara: The pouring of medicated oil onto the forehead for the pacification of the mind.
  • Karna Dhoopana: Smokes are used to treat diseases of the ears.
  • Kavala & Gandusha: Oral care treatments with herbal oils or decoctions.

Why is Shalakya Tantra important in Ayurveda?

1. Prevention and Treatment of Diseases

Shalakya Tantra offers simple and natural cures for a multitude of head and neck diseases and disorders:

Eye Health: Treats cataracts, glaucoma, and vision troubles through procedures like Netra Kriyakalpas

Ear and Nose Disorders: Tones down earache through the procedure of Karna Purna, while clearing nasal congestion, headache, or any other sinus problems through the procedure of Nasya.

Skin Conditions: Acne, eczema, and psoriasis can be treated through various herbal pastes (Lepa).

2. Improvement in Sensory Function

Eyes: Enhance vision and strengthen the eyes with treatments like Netra Pariksha.

Ears and Nose: Techniques like Gandusha improve the ability to smell and taste.

Tongue: Maintains the oral cavity, free from infection and breath-bad odor.

3. Cognitive and Mental Clearness

Shalakya Tantra helps the brain by restoring balance in the doshas in the head: 

Nasya Therapy: Acts on the brain, improving memory and creativity.

Lepa Therapy: Reduces facial muscles’ tension, improving mood.

4. Head and Neck Dosha Balancing

By balancing vata, pitta, and kapha doshas, Shalakya Tantra ensures that the head and neck function optimally:

Vata Balancing: Nasya prevents dryness and stiffness.

Pitta Balancing: Karna Purna reduces inflammation and infection.

Kapha Balancing: Lepa regulates excess mucus and oiliness.


Shalakya Tantra Treatment is a significant part of Ayurveda as it deals with the health and wellness of the head and neck region. Its comprehensive treatments prevent and cure diseases, enhance sensory and cognitive functions, and restore harmony in the body, mind, and spirit.

Ayurveda’s branch uses natural, non-invasive methods such as herbal oils, powders, and lifestyle changes, making it a safe and effective alternative to modern treatments. Integrating the wisdom of Shalakya Tantra into daily life can help a person achieve the best health possible and improve the quality of life in general.