We are on a mission to revive the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda using the rigours of modern science.
The numerous aspects essential for promoting and propagating Ayurveda as a healthcare delivery system are the focus of research at RISA. We are also actively involved in trying to understand the current status of integrative medicine in India. We strongly believe that crosstalk and collaboration with mainstream scientists and clinicians is essential to provide an evidence base for the pluralistic healthcare system prevalent in India and across the globe.


Exploring correlations between human gut micro-flora and dosha prakriti based on principles of Ayurveda

Based on a research grant of Rs. 60,48,000 by the prestigious Ayurveda Biology Scheme of the Science and Engineering Board (SERB), Government of India.The project is being conducted in collaboration with the National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bengaluru and will explore the scientific basis of Ayurveda. The Dosha Prakriti of healthy human volunteers will be characterized using a standardized screening methodology, following which the oral and fecal microbiome will also be characterized.

Clinical Evaluation of Ayurveda-based Integrative Management of Diabetic Retinopathy Exploring correlations between human gut micro-flora and dosha prakriti based on principles of Ayurveda

Based on a research grant of Rs. 50,18,400 awarded by the Central Council for Research in Ayurveda Sciences. The project is being conducted in collaboration with Nethra Eye Hospital, Bengaluru, and will use technological innovations in eye care to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of an Ayurveda-based integrative management model for diabetic retinopathy. The study also aims to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practices of Ayurveda physicians, faculty, and students across India regarding diabetic retinopathy and the use of technological advances such as fundus photography and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT).

Diabetes Mellitus is a silent killer of the body. Negligence to keep it under control results in life-threatening conditions. High glucose levels in the blood damages tissues of Eye, Kidney, and Heart followed by other organs. Retinopathy is the result of damage caused by Diabetes in the Eyes. Early diagnosis and treatment prevent loss of sight.

Ayurvedic approach to retinopathy falls under the disease TIMIRA with various modalities of treatment principles like tarpana, putapaka, nasya, shirodhara, seka and internal medicines.

RISA is offering free eye checkup for all diabetic patients and treatment for those diagnosed with early Retinopathy, so as to prevent the progression of the disease followed by vision loss.

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