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Health is reflected on the face of a person. And the mouth is the most important aesthetic organ in the face, covered beautifully by two lips. In the mouth are the tongue, gums, teeth and palates. Gums are one of the softest parts of the body.  They hold the teeth in position. Gums are indicators of good health. When the gums become spongy or inflamed or infected, health problems set in. In Ayurveda there are about 75 types of mukharoga – diseases of the mouth – out of which 13 are of the gums.

There are three important things which are to be taken care, for healthy gums:

  • proper circulation of blood
  • proper nerve conductivity and
  • proper nutrition to the soft parts of the gums

While brushing our teeth we are actually cleaning our gums also. Therefore proper oral care must be provided for healthy gums. It is advisable for a person to brush their teeth twice a day or even after every meal for proper gum care and prevent any further dental problems. Gum health will decrease if bacterias are allowed to hang out on our teeth, and eventually resulting in various gum problems. Read More