For Consultation: 080-22183456 | 40503456 | +91 6364131347
Infertility is “a disease of the reproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.”… (WHO-ICMART glossary1). Woman who conceive but are incapable to retain the foetus till the birth are also termed infertile.

Few of the common causes that may lead to infertility in females are vaginal infections; growth, fibroid or malformation of the uterine cavity; PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease), blockage in the fallopian tube, structural defect, repeated abortions, urinary tract infections, generalised debility etc. According to Ayurveda, any imbalance in Vata dosha(Apan Vayu) results in uterine disorders and ultimately is the cause for infertility. Unhealthy food habits, changing lifestyle, untimely meals, lack of nutrition, lack of exercise, over exertion, self medication, or excessive use of hormonal pills to regulate menses according to our convenience plays against natural course resulting in infertility. Smoking and alcohol impairs ovarian function and prevents embryo implantation into the endometrium and in males reduces the quality and quantity of sperms.

Common male infertility factors include: no or few sperm cells that are produced or decreased motility of sperms. Sometimes, sperms are deformed or die before they reach the egg. Treatment of infertility in both male and females varies according to the cause. Internal medications are prescribed and if required Panchakarma procedures like Snehana(Internal oleation), Swedana(fomentation), Vamana(Therapeutic emesis), Virechana (Therapeutic purgation), Basti(Therapeutic enemas) may be administered which have proved helpful in treating female infertility. Blocked fallopian tubes, adhesions to some level can be managed with the treatment known as ‘Uttar Basti ‘ where in medicated oil or ghee is administered into the uterus. The treatment is carried out very carefully and in utmost hygienic conditions. In case of male infertility, internal medicines and if necessary similar treatment procedures mentioned above may be carried out. Infertility is a cause for concern.

For a substantial percentage of men and women with reproductive disorders, adopting changes in lifestyle, healthy exercise and dietary habits, reducing stress levels along with appropriate herbal supplementation can help overcome infertility. Dietary recommendations include organic fruits and vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, asparagus, broccoli, celery etc. spinach, bananas, garlic, and other foods rich in Vit. C, E, zinc and folic acid; lentils, whole grains such as millets (Ragi, jowar, bajra etc.), dry fruits as almonds, walnuts, dates, raisins that are rich in iron and calcium should be included in the diet; Sweet and juicy fruits like mangoes, plums, peaches etc. that are seasonal and cooked in cinnamon and ghee. Foods containing antioxidants help to protect the egg and sperm from free radicals, spices such as cumin, ajwain(carom seeds), turmeric improve the quality of the egg and sperm thus enhancing the quality of fertility. Avoid foods high in calories, and containing preservatives, caffeine, refined flour, refined sugar, lots of meat, smoking, drinking and stress.

At MSRICAIM we have specialized Infertility Clinic where our Gynaecologists & Obstetricians can diagnose the condition and suggest the right kind of treatment for you.