For Consultation: 080-22183456 | 40503456 | +91 6364131347

“Swasthasya swasthya rakashnam Aathurasya vikar prashamanam cha”
Naturopathy and yoga are the science of all sciences, which has completely revolutionized the art
and science of living. They are the practical science where all the good aspect in nature are blended
thoroughly to make us perfect. Naturopathy and yoga are oldest and basic technique of healthy living and healing. It is a good sign that all over world there is increasing awareness for this science and its re-emergence in present scientific era, so that the people get benefits from its healing nature.
Human body, the living temple of god, and a living miraculous machine is self reliant in maintaining
health, as well as curing disease, through the natural medicines produced in its on factory.
In Naturopathy and yoga the basic modalities being natural dietetics and nutrition, hydrotherapy,
mud therapy, fasting therapy, magnet therapy, aromatherapy etc. Under one shelter blended with all the yogic technique like Asthang Yoga – Yama, Niyama, Assan, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyan , Samadhi and Shatkarma-Nauli, Dhoti, Neti, Basti, trataka etc. With this the aim of Ayurveda can be achieved.